How to Support Your Child Who is Discovering Who They Are


在你的孩子出生之前,你就开始想知道他们的性格会是什么样的. Will they be cautious or adventurous? Will they play well with others? 他们会快乐吗??  

这些个性特征是你孩子身份的一部分——这些独特的东西使他们与众不同. From having a love of reading to a strong dislike of camping, a child’s personality will start to emerge early, with kids typically starting to become self-aware around age 2.

自我意识是了解我们自己——知道并接受我们的长处和短处, 喜欢和不喜欢, 和情感.

但是,当一个两岁的孩子开始表现出自我意识时,他们会对着镜子模仿自己的面部表情,或者把一碗他们讨厌的食物扔到房间的另一边, 他们成为一个自信、有自知之明的人需要时间,也需要父母的支持, 护理人员, 和老师.

Why is Self-awareness Important for Kids?

Kids who have self-awareness and are tuned into their thoughts and feelings tend to be more self-confident, 善解人意,善于沟通. They have good relationships with friends and family. 他们也是强有力的决策者和问题解决者,并能从错误中吸取教训. They know what motivates them to find success.   

将孩子的自我概念活动和孩子的自我发现融入到孩子的教育过程中,可以对他们的整体幸福感产生积极的影响, including their ability to form healthy relationships, 在学校表现良好, and have good mental health.

A mother and daughter learning how to build self-awareness for kids.

How to Build Self-awareness and Self-Acceptance for Kids

成长是艰难的! 除了学业,孩子们还在驾驭他们所有的情绪和新的社会环境. 当面对不同的情况时,他们常常不知道如何反应或回应, which can leave them feeling frustrated and angry. 

Parents want to raise happy, 自己的孩子举止得体, 其中很大一部分是鼓励孩子们自我发现,帮助他们探索自己是谁. Through self-exploration, children will learn more about their true selves, 哪个能让他们更容易接受真实的自我,更好地理解他人. With acceptance comes confidence, 内心的平静, 牢固的关系, and an overall stable and joyful life.  


1. 写日记.

Self-discovery is a personal journey. While parents and 护理人员 can guide and support kids, they must play an active role in learning who they truly are. A good way to do that is through journaling. 

Writing down thoughts and feelings in a journal 能让他们清楚地知道自己的真实感受,并揭示这些感受背后的含义吗. Journals are also judgement-free zones; kids don’t have to worry about showing their true selves in a journal, 写下他们是谁会让他们接受他们是谁. 当他们接受自己时,他们就可以自由地与他人分享真实的自我. 

Sitting down and writing can be hard for kids, though. Here are a few prompts to get them started. 

  • What are you grateful for?  

  • Describe your happiest day or memory. 

  • What do you like about yourself?

  • Who is someone you look up to? What qualities do they have that you admire? 

  • What is something you are really good at? What is something you find to be challenging?

2. Read Biographies and Memoirs

学习别人的故事可以帮助孩子和青少年建立他们自己的故事. 传记和回忆录可以展示成功人士如何利用自己的优势克服挑战. 鼓励你的孩子想象自己在同样的情况下,并想知道他们会如何反应. 

父母可以通过询问他们从这个人的故事中学到了什么来帮助他们. 讨论可以包括问他们的孩子,他们欣赏他们刚刚读到的那个人的哪些方面, 或者如果他们发现自己处于类似的情况下,他们是否会采取不同的行动. 

3. Check in on Their Emotions

问别人今天过得怎么样——他们都做了些什么——这很容易让人陷入窠臼, 他们学到了什么?, 等. 将这些问题延伸到询问孩子在任何特定时刻的感受. 这些情绪记录给了学生们一个反思自己感受的机会. Probe a little deeper to learn why they are feeling a certain way. 说出他们的感受可以帮助他们有效地管理和处理自己的情绪, which is a key element of self-awareness. 

4. Play “Would You Rather”


  • 你喜欢在海滩还是在露营地度过暑假? 

  • Would you rather go to a play or to a baseball game? 

  • Would you rather work outside or at a desk with a computer?  


5. Expose Them to Different Things

孩子和青少年自我发现的很大一部分是体验新事物. 世界是一个大而美丽的地方,充满了不同背景的人. Spend some time taking your kids to different places like museums, 文化庆祝活动, or different community events. This may include getting outside of your own comfort zone, but the shared experience will reap new benefits. Your child will learn what they truly like to do. 他们还将学会在感到不确定或不舒服的情况下如何处理自己.  


Supporting Your Child’s Identity

随着孩子们越来越有自我意识,他们会以真实的自我生活. 为父母, 重要的是要记住,孩子的真实自我可能与他们所期望的不同. Some parents may want their child to excel at a certain sport, but their child may realize they don't enjoy playing it at all. Some may expect their child to go to college, 但他们的孩子可能更愿意在高中毕业后休学一年去环游世界.  

父母和照顾者对孩子如何选择接受真实的自我有很大的影响, so it’s important to remember that they need to live their best lives, which may be different from what their parents imagined for them. Love them for who they are. 赞美他们. Encourage them to find their voice and to use it. Be their champion as they learn and grow, 即使他们选择了一条与你希望他们选择的不同的道路.  

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